Hi guys.... In this entry I wanna share about a 'lonely' ride. So cakap banyak pon tak guna mehhh aku ceritakan. Nothing can stop me when I said I wanna go for outing (if it is overnight week la). Why???? Because I can become crazy you know if live in ALAM for long time. Haaaa... For this I don't want to describe more, you guys will understand if you are ALAM's Cadet. So back to my topic, last weekend I have my solo ride to Port Dickson. Why solo?? Where your other friends?? Some going back home some go date with girlfriend. So left this single guy alone. Huhuhu.... a bit sad story but it sokay I can still enjoy the moment when I am alone. So I set my course to PD and started my journey around 0950H from ALAM.
because of cannot tahan lapar, so I stop my journey then having breakfast first. A simple breakfast with Mc Saver.
sampai jer pantai terus tukar slipper jenjalan tepi pantai. Enjoy tiupan angin pantai (even dh memang slalu dapat rase angin pantai KT ALAM tapi Yang lain nya ni kat luar ALAM). The best thing is aku dapat spend time dgn diri sendiri. Orang kata xde sesape pon akan kekal selamanya dengan kita even mak ayah, adik beradik and even pasangan hidup kita. So learn to be lonely, nobody will stay forever with you.

Imagine la pagi pagi dah Ade dua tiga pasangan couple tengah date. Hmm..... What to do sape sruh single en. Eyh jap aku pun ade awek gak but she is in another nation.... ImagiNation 😂.
OK done breakfast I continued my ride to my destination. Memang best la ride sorang sorang jalan kosong.

Selepas habis amik angin pantai, aku teruskan niat sebenar aku untuk membeli barangan keperluan aku. Then aku pergi Masjid Tanah untuk lunch.ni la motor yang slalu aku sewa Yamaha Lagenda
sampai jer kat Masjid Tanah tiber lak hujan turun terpaksa cari tempat berteduh sementara tunggu hujan berhenti. haaa... Kalau nak tahu ni la wantan mi boleh dikatakan favorite aku gak la
Selepas hujan dah berhenti aku teruskan niat aku untuk cari kedai wantan mi. Lepas makan aku lepak kat kedai tu jap untuk siapkan first entry aku. Owner kedai tu rapat jugak dengan aku sebab aku selalu pergi lepak kat sana setiap kali outing. source : Facebook
Learn to be alone ,because in the end you only got yourself. Being alone is not wrong but begging others to stay is worst.
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