Type of corruption in Maritime Industry.
Types of Corruption in Maritime Industry
Corruption in Maritime industry is the corruption that committed by people who works
in maritime industry by having an illegal dealing with their clients to complete a
required task or work. Corruption comes in many forms and the majority cases are
registered under bribery.
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Firstly, illegal payments or facilitation payments to Custom officers. In the shipping
industry there is a big challenge for low value amounts demanded by public officials to
facilitate post operations. The study shows that custom clearance is the second
highest reasons for corruption. The custom officials are bribe to ensure customs
procedure are completed and expedited. Furthermore, they bribe to turn a blind eye to
certain procedure requirements so the tax liability can decrease. Moreover,they are
also bribed to enable the smuggling of illegal substances into the import country.
Secondly, bribes paid to gain contract. Where large shipping and business vessel
organizations are included, they all the time offer for long term contracts from large
scope producers/exporters. This offering procedure can make open doors for
corruption,as the exporter could be actuated to demonstrate favor to specific bidders.
Lastly,under-invoicing. the exporter may get a solicitation from the importer to declare
on the receipt to sent along the products that the product is of lower value than the
original deal cost.Regularly,the reason behind"under-invoicing" is to down play the
announced estimation of the products for nearby traditions reason to doge customs
obligations and import charges at that point of importation. The issuance of a false
business receipt upon a buyer's solicitation could comprise an infringement of the
books and records arrangement of the FCPA.
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