Hi again. Greetings human. Hope you guys in good health condition. So uh I'd like to further my throwback while I was in secondary school.
If you guys remember, there's a boy named Adam. Yea my crackhead member!! Honestly I was a crazy dumb boy in that school. But trust me there still couple human being there are same kind like me. Or even more, I think so.
Nyel know to survive on his own. I really proud of his pride ah. I could see how he struggle on his studies while in classroom. Time prep huah study mat. Memang rajin ah. Selalu ajak member dia study skali.
As I said tadi, we are crackheads. We suddenly think of making a name for us triplets. First idea kitorang ambil "Cigaks" idk whyyy maann!!! hahahhahah. But it takes a week juga lah fikir pasal tu. So finally we got that name ah. We are....
If you guys remember, there's a boy named Adam. Yea my crackhead member!! Honestly I was a crazy dumb boy in that school. But trust me there still couple human being there are same kind like me. Or even more, I think so.
Soooooo.... Introducing Adam!!!
I call him Dam. Nickname Mer@Husin. About him, as I said he is my kind, the more crackhead-er than me version!!! He was a good boy ah don't judge him by his appearance je. Pfffttt yea muka dia nampak baik yea forget it. Jangan ingat muka ceni tak pukul budak eh hahahh. OK I'm kidding he really are good senior once. Nampak je cam serious gitu, but everyone like to be friend him with his humorous behavior.
He has good leadership ah don't play-play with him. See how he lead those human to angkat that khemah on our feild tu dulu. Boek ah.
Fact that his hair sooo niceeeee right nowww!!!! aduuu I really am get jealous with his hair waduh.... nak tengok rambut dia cane?? nah i give his ig name. Pergi ah usha sana dia single lagi tak silap. @adamros_ .
One more boy ah i want to introduce cause yang lagi sorang ni la yang buat something more fun between us. He is the same. Like me & Adam. Crackheads. But, yang ni terkawal lagi, like... more mature crackhead among crackheads.
Introducing Aqiel Daniel!!!
Okey first of all I call him Nyel. Nickname Khincik kskskkks. budak ni really bangang sometimes je. Not like me & Adam. He has a good vision ah nampak beshe beshe je but semangat keinginan dia tu peh membatasi segalanya. Bila dia start set his goal peh memang pulun habis ah. Kuat makan ni budak same je ngan Adam tapi bezanya Adam makan banyak tak naik naik beratnya tapi Nyel ni sebaliknya. I'm kidding Nyel weh hehehe.
We do stupid.
We do crazy.
We do good did.
To be continue....