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Showing posts from April, 2020


The term  dΓ©jΓ    vu  is French and means, literally, "already seen." Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are traveling to England for the first time. You are touring a cathedral, and suddenly it seems as if you have been in that very spot before. Or maybe you are having dinner with a group of friends, discussing some current political topic, and you have the feeling that you've already experienced this very thing -- same friends, same dinner, same topic. DΓ©jΓ  vu may happen if a person experienced the current sensory twice successively. The first input experience is brief, degraded, occluded, or distracted. Immediately followed by that, the second perception might be familiar because the person naturally related it to the first input. One possibility behind this mechanism is that the first input experience involves shallow processing, wh

Apple Origins and History...

Apple Inc.  is an American  multinational   technology company  headquartered in  Cupertino, California , that designs, develops, and sells  consumer electronics ,  computer software , and  online services . It is considered one of the  Big Four   technology companies , alongside  Amazon ,  Google , and  Microsoft . [6] [7] [8] The company's  hardware  products include the  iPhone  smartphone, the  iPad  tablet computer, the  Mac  personal computer, the  iPod  portable media player, the  Apple Watch  smartwatch, the  Apple TV  digital media player, the  AirPods  wireless earbuds and the  HomePod  smart speaker. Apple's software includes the  macOS ,  iOS ,  iPadOS ,  watchOS , and  tvOS  operating systems, the  iTunes  media player, the  Safari  web browser, the  Shazam  acoustic fingerprint utility, and the  iLife  and  iWork  creativity and productivity suites, as well as professional applications like  Final Cut Pro ,  Logic Pro , and  Xcode . Its online services include

My favourite Swiss-Watch.

Ive a standard when it comes to watches.Hublot is a posh swiss watch.It has the elegant and classy look when you wear it. Hublot  ( French pronunciation: ​ [yblo] ) is a  Swiss   luxury   watchmaker  founded in 1980 by Italian Carlo Crocco. [1]  The company operates as a wholly owned subsidiary of France's  LVMH . In 1980, it also marked the birth of the "Fusion" [ clarification needed ]  concept a few months after being founded. As per Wikipedia.... A  scion  of the Italian  Binda Group  dynasty, best known for making Breil watches, Carlo Crocco left the company in 1976 to strike out on his own and create a new watch company. Moving to Switzerland he formed MDM Geneve and set about designing a watch that he named the Hublot after the French word for " porthole ". The watch that he created featured the first  natural rubber  strap in the history of watchmaking. [2]  It took three years of research to create the strap. Despite failing to attract a single poten

My favourite movie ;)

Hey there,its me again.Today im going to write about my favourite movie Well my favourite movie is The Fault In Our Stars. The Fault in Our Stars  is a 2014 American  romantic   drama film  directed by  Josh Boone , based on  the 2012 novel of the same name  by  John Green . The film stars  Shailene Woodley  and  Ansel Elgort ; with  Laura Dern ,  Sam Trammell ,  Nat Wolff , and  Willem Dafoe  playing supporting roles. Woodley plays Hazel Grace Lancaster, a sixteen-year-old cancer patient who is forced by her parents to attend a support group, where she meets and subsequently falls in love with Augustus Waters, another cancer patient, played by Elgort. The motion picture  NOW FOR THE CASTING...... Shailene Woodley  stars as Hazel Grace Lancaster.   Ansel Elgort  as Augustus Waters   Nat Wolff  as Isaac in the film. Well,thats all about it.Thanks ;)

My dream car Lotus Evora

Everybody wants to love Lotus.                                         The 71-year-old British automaker has been a favorite of real-life daredevil Ayrton Senna and fictional superspy James Bond alike. Its perfectly cool, wedge-shaped  Lotus Esprit  and chic Evora designs have set style standards for generations. But Lotus doesn’t make loving it easy. The marque has spent years offering only intermittent sales in the U.S. And for many enthusiasts, the mechanical reliability of its older cars, as well as the fit and finish of its newer ones, have simply not kept up their end of the bargain. Perhaps the just-announced  $2.1 million  all-electric Evija  will redeem them, with looks as beautiful as its  counterparts from Italy . Until then, let’s talk about the 2020 Lotus Evora GT. I was more than eager to get my hands on the newest (and only) modern Lotus you can buy in America today. I test-drove the  $96,950  whip from Carmel, Calif., to Los Angeles, skirting the two-lane

My trip to Penang with my friends...

Last year,21 March,me and my friends decided to travel to Penang for a get-away trip. That was after-spm season,well we wanted to have fun travelling around. Alright,Pictures speaks louder than words hehe...... This picture was taken when we was food hunting the first day. We prefer walking the whole journey.Hehe. This was us at Penang Jetty.It was a great evening to be honest. Names(from right) : Ghugaan,Purroshothman (me),Tusharan,Prakathisan,Kumaar and Thilagan(the photographer). That evening we meet beautiful people and had great time with them though. Thats me at the Great Pagoda Penang. Its really great visiting the ancient place. We had great chat with the monks as well hehe... It was a tiring day thoo.. Well thats all about it,we had the best trip ever.We were like backpackers tho hahaha. I miss them already.

An important person in my life ;)

Hey,im gonna talk about the most important person in my life that really changed me into better ''me''. Well,she has a name that her parents named her after a song ''Kayleigh'' by Marillion.Her name is Kayleigh Anna Maria,born on 2nd January 2003.She's 16 now.She lives with her mother.Her mother is a lovely person that she treats me like her own son.Eventhough she is 16 now,she very smart and matured ofcourse.She is such a lovely person just like her mother. Well,ive alot to talk about her but gotta keep it private abit.its kinda personal :). Well, this is her :) Hahaha,she's a camera shy ;) When she was in Australia, 6yrs old back then with her brother, Thomas. Well,Life's A Endless Journey,Keep Going. Captured by me....

My best friend ~

Hey there,well its time to introduce my best friend.Pavindran A/L Sugumaran,19.He's been my friend for more than 10years already.We are most likely are one family.Well,he follows me wherever i go and me too.We never got separated even after high school.Even though we had gotten into many fights,we never left each other's back no matter what.Ive some pictures of him.Leggo :) This is when  he was 16.HAHAHA This is when he was 18.Transformation lol. This is his brother,Divanesh. Thats it guys,Thanks hehe....

Avengers Endgame

Hi there,today i would like to talk about my favourite all-time superheroes in the movie Avengers : The Endgame.There are characters like Black Widow,Scarlett Witch,Thor,Vision,Iron Man,Captain America,Doctor Strange,The Hulk,Starlord and many more. Well,let's start of with the Alpha. This is Captain America.He is pretty much an immortal hero. Haters call him the ''Lab Rat''.Capt.America's real name is Steve Rogers in the movie. He is capable of bringing the whole team to a different level which is out of the titans league like Thanos. He is a reliable person in the team especially unlike Tony Stark (Iron Man). This is Thor Son Of Odin.He is the God Of Thunder.The rightful King of Asgard. He protects the peace of the 9 realm.In Avengers Infinity In infinity war,he requested th Dwarf,Master Builders to built the StormBreaker for Thor. He is the most Honoured and Responsible Hero. Mighty Thor. This is Doctor Stephen Strange.He is a w

Usaha tangga kejayaan

Bismillah , Assalammualaikum 😊 Okay harini aku nak cerita pasal target aku masa kerja .. hehe Alhamdulillah dah tercapai .. πŸ‘‡πŸ» Lc v1 Ye motor . Dah lama minat pasal motor ni tapi family aku bukan orang kaya ... Kalau nak apa2 kene usaha sendiri . Tapi alhamdulillah family aku cukup makan dan keperluan . Motor ni cuma kemahuan bukan keperluan . Hehehe .. Tapi ramai ckp family aku kaya . Aku pun aminnkan je sebab doakan 🀣 Tengah menyolek Masa beli motor awal2 tu pun mmg buruk cuma tak cukup duit nak solek @ modifiy . Tapi lepas dah masuk balai 3-4 hari 🀣 semangat nak kerja partime lain tuh nak bayar saman nak beli coverset . Petak jugak kepala masatu heheheh ...  macam2 kerja aku buat yang nampak cuma mak aku .. Yes duit beli motor ni semua duit aku . Tak pakai duit makbapak 🀣 πŸ”₯ Sudah siap ! Cantikk bukan ! Kalau tak cantik pun jangan kondem , tak mintak duit kau ! Hehehe gurau  Ni gambar tahun lepas . Tahun ni takde gambar sebab enjin pecah