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Saxophone's Family

Hi guys, greetings, today I'd like to share about Saxophone.

As we all know saxophone is a musical instrument. It was well known by everyone and quite famous as it's funky style "S" shaped instrument. That design was invented on early 1840's by Antoine-Joseph Sax, well known as Adolphe Sax (1814-1894), as he was a musical instrument designer born in Belgium. Fact that he could play many kind of woodwinds instrument such as Flute and Clarinet. He also invented Saxhorn, that had been modernized as Euphonium, 6-piston Trombone, that nowadays known as Cimbasso,  and also Contrabass Clarinet, that lead him to invent Saxophone.

Adolphe Sax

Basically there are 4 types of saxophone, besides of some other few types of them that not really introduced by non-musician people.

So first of all, quite commonly played by any saxophonist in any concert and people will realized that it was familiar among them is, Alto Saxophone. It's design also was early design of saxophone he made.

Alto Saxophone

So guys this is my Alto Saxophone. Yes. MINE heheheh. It's size is smaller than Tenor Saxophone, but bigger than Soprano Saxophone. Usually you can see this type of saxophone used in Jazz , popular music and concert band. It's sounds great on solo as its pitch are medium level. 

Next, Tenor Saxophone. 

me with my school Tenor Saxophone

This is my pic with my previously secondary school's Tenor Saxophone, as I was an orchestra group member and a tenor saxophonist. As you can see, the size much bigger than my Alto Saxophone. It has a lower pitch and nearly into bass section. This type of saxophone mostly been used in jazz genre as it sounds so deeper and funky. 

By the way, you guys must be still confused between Tenor and Alto saxophones. Fun fact instead of using its sizes to differentiate between Alto and Tenor Sax, you can see the shape of their necks. Tenor Sax you could see there's a curved neck, while Alto Sax only one narrow from its body.

Tenor's neck

Alto's neck

Other than that, Soprano Saxophone.

Soprano Saxophone
This type of sax is the smallest among its family, other than Soprillo Saxophone that sized about twice of party whistle, that we don't want to talk about on this page. So this type of sax make the higher pitch than Tenor and Alto sax. Soprano Saxophone really well known as the most sexiest sound instrument with a song by George Michael titled Careless Whisper.

 Here's a link of the song for you guys.

That famous song used Soprano Saxophone , and I really admire the sound really romantic, peace for your ears to listen.

Last but not least, Baritone Saxophone.

Baritone Saxophone

This sax is the biggest among those I introduced to you guys. You can see those swirls, and how big it is to fit your head into its bell. I don't really have much comment on this type of instrument, but some of the fanatic on being a bassist will into this kind of saxophone I swear. Fun fact too, the bigger the instrument, the lower the pitch , deeper sound will produced by the instrument. Sooo, yea that's it. This instrument produce much deeper sound, more likely sounds like a ship's horn blasting for signals.

Here's I find out in Pinterest picture of Saxophone Family. Really understandable for beginners. 

So I hope you guys got something from my page for today. Be safe. Stay at Home. Even Malaysia doing just fine right now, we still can't predict the future of us. Might be there will come wave 2 or what else i don't have any idea. You don't know, I don't know, We don't know. Just be safe guys take care. #kitajagakita !!!! 

Stay tuned.

ps: photos copyright I search from my gallery, Pinterest and Google


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