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Something That Cannot be Buy From Money


Assalamualaikummmm and hello everyone, so this is my first entry in writing a blog(still newbie) . Hmm??๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”, I wonder why I chose this title as my blog entry? . Heheh.
Actually, there's a reason behind that.Yeah,soooo in order for u guys to fulfill ur enquiries, u need to keep scrolling and continue to read about my story๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž, peace yo✌️๐Ÿ˜

Fyi, I don't know where to start as all the ideas are hovering inside my head, but nevermind, I'll try my best to make the story more compact and interesting. 

Without wasting anytime,i shall begin.

As we all know,student in Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM) are going to have their holiday approximately about 10 days due to the CNY starting from 16th of jan until 2nd of feb 2020. So, most of them are going back to their hometown for their break.,but some of them are not, as their home is far away than the others.

Hence, last wednesday(15th of jan 2020), our couch which is JJ zanggi(Cyclone Break advisor) offered to us (members of cyclone break) for going an adventurous activity... Which is "XPDC LASER TO PULAU PERJUDI" that will be held on 16th-17th of jan 2020

The so called "laser" thing is shown as below:

Well yeah... with full of excitement, we the members of cyclone break who did not going back home, accepted the offer immediately. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช

Thursday (16th of jan 2020)
After finishing our class in the afternoon, we rush to take our lunch and pack our things for the xpdc as our spirit was already burning inside ourselves because this the first time for us. 
After all the things have been set up which is the laser and boat have been prepared. We start our xpdc journey at about 1400 hours in the afternoon. 

              (Picture above taken before we started our xpdc) 

So, below are some pic as we are on our way:
At about 1630H-1900H,
We all safely arrived at our destination which is Pulau Perjudi. So the journey take about 3 to 5 hours by laser while around 1 to 2 hours by boat.But of course we all get tired because it was too long for us in the middle of the sea.The duration for the laser to arrive at the island is different because it depend from the wind condition and of course it depend on how skillful and how professional the person who manouvere it.And also,we are still beginner in manouvering it,so thats why it takes untill 5 hours for us to arrive there.
 (Picture showing an evening vibe around the Perjudi Island) 

As we arrive, we all immediately started to preparing our food because everyone was already starved around that time.heheh,jk.But, it's true that we all was hungry. 
So, we do some barbecue and we all was lucky enough as we got someone who is power in cooking that we could use d also call him a chef which is known as Abg Anas. At there, he cooked for us a very delicious cuisines such as ikan keli sambal, ulam ulam with sambal belacan and also cooked us a rice.
                            (apologize for the images).
              Above is the dish from our chef abg Anas

After finished eating and tidying up all the dishes,we gathered and spend our time by expressing our feeling at that time.It shown as below:
                 (Abg Anas is sharing his experiences๐Ÿคฃ)

After that, at around 0000H. We continue our activity by hunting Mr Crab. Heheh, we go all around the island to hunt the crab.It was the best moment during this xpdc.Because ,at that time i got a knowledge on how to hunt a crab in the middle of darkness.
                                  (results of hunting) 

As we got tired,some of us took some rest while some others are helping our chef in preparation for breakfast. 
                          (Preparation for breakfast)

Our chef cooked us all the cuisine below:
(seafood fried rice, fresh crab soup,maggi sedap and so on) 

Then, after finished taking our breakfast, we then prepared and tidying up the place we already used and ready to going back. 

        Set up the Laser and yeahhh!!!, Ready to go๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

But, before we start our journey going back to ALAM, I managed to snap a picture inside the island during morning. It was such a really beautiful and stunning scenery in my eye sight.I'm in love with it.Really like the view. 

The picture shown as below:
                        (taken with my hand phone)

Well,based on my story,I think u guys might get what is the message behind my title that i wanted to delivered to u.As u can see,this adventurous xpdc has gave us a lot of experience and memories that we could not get so easily thus it will remain inside our head forever. 

Oh, last but not least, I think maybe u guys have wondered about how does this island look like. 
Here are some pic for the island:
(source google) 
it is just a small2 island where u can walk around there without being exhausted and also it is very near to the coast. It is located at Port Dickson,Negeri Sembilan. The island is popular among the local fisher and fisherman there. 

So, i think my story ends here as my xpdc also ended Already. Thank you for reading my entry and i hope u guys like it.Last but not least, I'm apologize if there are any handicap in my writing.In sha Allah, I'll try my best to improve myself for my upcoming entry. 

Well then, till we meet again๐Ÿ˜✌️.


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