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Showing posts from January, 2020

Something That Cannot be Buy From Money

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamualaikummmm and hello everyone, so this is my first entry in writing a blog(still newbie) . Hmm??🤔🤔, I wonder why I chose this title as my blog entry? . Heheh. Actually, there's a reason behind that.Yeah,soooo in order for u guys to fulfill ur enquiries, u need to keep scrolling and continue to read about my story😎😎, peace yo✌️😁 Fyi, I don't know where to start as all the ideas are hovering inside my head, but nevermind, I'll try my best to make the story more compact and interesting.  Without wasting anytime,i shall begin. As we all know,student in Akademi Laut Malaysia (ALAM) are going to have their holiday approximately about 10 days due to the CNY starting from 16th of jan until 2nd of feb 2020. So, most of them are going back to their hometown for their break.,but some of them are not, as their home is far away than the others. Hence, last wednesday(15th of jan 2020), our couch which is JJ zanggi(Cyclone Bre
                             Time and tide wait for no men,But they do wait for CharAliens!!! Enjoy your lunch with these wonderful delight cuisine.Enjoy your day!!

Quote of the day !

source : google image A  ship in port  is safe, but that's not what  ships  are built for. - GRACE HOPPER-