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Showing posts from February, 2020

My Chinese New Year Break Part 1

Alright guys, so this will be my next entry. For this time i think, i wanna share to u guys about my holiday journey during the CNY break. But before that... Assalamualaikum and peace to u guys😁✌️ Hmmm, i think its already a bit late right? But i guess it is not wrong for me to share rght? So as I mention earlier, during the CNY break, we got a holiday at about 10 days approximately.Well,during this break I'm taking my biggest chance to go for a travel. And yeah,fyi the place was TERENGGANU😎😎. heheh... That was me😎, waiting for a bus to start my journey🙈😁. It was really exciting.  During the journey I was sleeping all the time😋.and it was really refreshing😂.Heheh Then at about 2100 Hrs,i was arrived at the destination. Then, one of my classmate who live there came and fetch me. Well,this is the most important thing after a long way journey.Heheh, we need to eat because I'm already starved that day.  After we have done tha